MAGIC starts in the morning …


Wake up with A SMILE and take a few moments to express gratitude. Think of anything, small or big, which you can be thankful for. This could be a beautiful dream you’ve had the night before, a lunch meeting with a friend you are looking forward to, your health, your partner, your cosy bed. Take a glance inside yourself and find all those little treasures which enlighten your day. The more often you look, the more you’re going to find. Embrace everything you have now.


Kickstart your day by quenching your body's thirst for hydration. Begin with a glass of lukewarm water to detoxify and alkalize your system, promoting a healthy gut and glowing skin. Make a little ritual out of it. Go to your kettle and, while listening to the boiling water, think of a couple of things you’re grateful for.

I enjoy drinking this water from a mug made of porcelain. It is white and has a beautiful shape. Figure out which model works best for you. Maybe you like colourful mugs or one with your name on it. Place it every evening next to your kettle where you’ll then find it in the morning. Consciously drink this cup of lukewarm water and feel how it slowly finds its way through your digestive system.


Take a few moments to anchor yourself in the present moment through meditation. Find a quiet space, sit comfortably, and focus on your breath. Connect with the stillness within, allowing your mind to settle, and cultivating a sense of calm that will carry you through the day.

By incorporating morning meditations into your routine, you create a solid foundation for cultivating a sense of inner calm that remains with you throughout the day.

So, take a leap of faith into and allow yourself to be transported to a realm of peace and stillness. In the beginning it might be better to use guided meditations. At a later state you might prefer complete calmness during those precious inner journeys. With time, patience, and practice, you'll experience the myriad benefits that meditation offers, both scientifically proven and deeply personal.

In today's fast-paced world, finding moments of tranquility and inner peace can feel like an impossible feat. However, the ancient practice of meditation has emerged as a guiding light to help you navigate the chaos of everyday life.

Embracing this path toward tranquility, beginning with a short meditation of just five minutes or even less can create a ripple effect of calmness throughout your day. It may seem challenging at first, but it's crucial to be patient with yourself. With consistent practice, you'll notice a gradual improvement in your ability to sink into a meditative state.

As you develop your meditation routine, you'll embark on an extraordinary journey, wherein you may encounter profound and special experiences. These encounters may range from moments of deep relaxation and rejuvenation to a heightened sense of spiritual connectedness.

While the personal benefits of meditation are undeniable, science has also given its support to this ancient practice. Numerous studies have demonstrated that meditation not only enhances your ability to focus during the day but also improves your overall sleep performance at night. By quieting the mind, meditation allows you to declutter your thoughts and enhance your mental clarity, leading to increased productivity and efficiency in your daily tasks.

Moreover, regular meditation provides a reprieve from the stresses and anxieties that often plague our modern lives. It acts as a balm for the mind, soothing frayed nerves and promoting emotional well-being.

Embrace the serenity within; it's time to nurture your mind, body, and soul.


Rather than adhering to a rigid exercise regimen, it's important to listen to your body and embrace whatever movement FEELS RIGHT FOR YOU.

For some, a brisk walk amidst nature's beauty might be the perfect way to invigorate the mind and body. With each step, you can feel your muscles awakening and your spirit being refreshed. The gentle rhythm of your footsteps serves as a reminder that life is a journey worth embarking on, one step at a time.

Others may find solace in the joy of dancing. Let the music guide your body, as you groove and sway to the melodies that resonate with your soul. Dancing not only rejuvenates your body but also uplifts your spirit, allowing you to start the day with an unbounded sense of freedom and delight.

My absolute favorite is Yoga. With its myriad of styles, Yoga offers a wellspring of possibilities for morning movement. Whether it's a gentle Vinyasa flow or a more power-packed Ashtanga practice, Yoga serves as a transformative tool to unite the mind, body, and breath.


Every morning brings with it a world of possibilities and opportunities. It is during these tranquil moments of the day that you can set your intentions, goals, and aspirations. And what better way to do so than with a personal(ised) notebook, curated and crafted in YOUR OWN UNIQUE STYLE?

I recommend the bullet journal method. A bullet journal, also called “BuJo” is more than just a notebook; it is a versatile tool that combines organisation, evaluation, mindfulness, and many other things. The big advantage is that you have it all in just ONE BOOK, which may travel with you everywhere you go. It serves as a guide to track your journey, verify your efficiency, and bring focus to your day.

Finding a quit spot, your favourite cup of coffee or tea in hand, and open your bullet journal. If you got the method right, you’ll already see information about scheduled meetings and tasks for the specific day in your bullet journal, With your pen in hand, jot down your top three priorities, ensuring they are realistic and aligned with your long-term aspirations. Set achievable, small goals. By focusing on a limited number of goals, your energy and efforts are directed towards what truly matters, increasing the likelihood of achieving them.

These goals serve as signposts that guide you through your daily and long-term journey.