Fine Nutrition Style


  1. Follow your INTUITION

  2. Give it an APPETISING look and smell

  3. TAKE TIME to eat and find the right ingredients

  4. Be MINDFUL about the origin of the things at your table


Every time I mention the first point in a group of people, there is at least one person who says: “But Jackie, if I follow my intuition, I would eat all the time and unhealthy stuff.”. Many of us are exactly in that STATE OF MIND.

As someone who had to fight an eating disorder during my younger years, I know exactly how that feels. The thing is though that YOUR INTUITION is somehow ‘overlapped’ by all the ‘(B)RULES’ (term invented by Vishen Lakhiani, see his book “The Code of the Extraordinary Mind”) which you were listening to so well over all those years. There are all sorts of information sources which tells us what to eat, when, how, etc. … The truth is, as for all other things in life, YOU KNOW BEST WHAT IS GOOD FOR YOU.  You just need to listen.

My advice is to RE-LEARN being intuitive regarding YOUR NUTRITION. I’m speaking from experience, and it literally was the only solution for me to overcome my wrong approach to food. I call it JOYFUL EATING.

If you would like to know more about it, please contact me directly. Other than that, you’ll find more inspiration and tasty recipes here below.


Are you one of those people who already plan their beginning of the year fasting diet before the Christmas season even starts? And are you doing this for the sole purpose to feast your way through December? If so, it might be worthwhile to continue reading…

Coming myself from a place where I was suffering from an eating disorder at a young age, I would like to encourage you to EAT CONSCIOUSLY & HEALTHY ALL YEAR ROUND. Say goodbye to weight fluctuations and mood swings related to your nutrition. Welcome your intuitive capacity when it comes to the precious things to nourish your body and ENJOY THE DIVERSITY OF FOOD AND SWEETS during the most wonderful time of the year, without regret.   

Trust yourself that you know best what is good for you and your body. Instead of consuming one diet advice after another, listen to your inner voice. It might not be easy in the beginning. Be patient with yourself. You need to learn and unlearn habits at the same time. Your mind might be clouded by decades of indoctrination about what is right or wrong for you. It might need months or even years, as in my very own case, to find your way back to A VERY NATURAL RELATION TO FOOD.

Always remember, food is here to nourish us, to make us feel good, to give us energy. You don’t have to think about it too much. Feel when your body needs something and appreciate everything you eat entirely. Don’t feel guilty when you’ve done a ‘mistake’ and had a piece of chocolate too many. Instead, try to listen to your body. It might tell you that it feels uncomfortable, and you shouldn’t eat for a while. Just try to go with that flow.

Are you convinced to start with this conscious eating concept today? Please don’t wait! Christmas season, with all its’ temptations, is the perfect time to begin your new path of FEELING GOOD FROM THE INSIDE OUT.

Would you like to know more? Just fill in the below form to get in touch with your “Lifestyling” Agent for further information.


You might not believe it but one of my favourite dishes is actually PASTA. Maybe it is related to my admiration for Italian food culture or to my childhood memories. I admit, I do have a foible for the yellowish ingredient in all sorts of shapes.

PASTA is for everyone. It’s a quick and easy way to prepare a delicious, pretty looking dish for a romantic dinner, for a gathering with friends and family, for your kids, or just for yourself. It is something to play with in different directions.

Even if you are not that interested into cooking, PASTA is the one and only for you to become friendly with it. Don’t worry about the calories or anything like this. It’s all a myth. And, if you really have the feeling you’ve had too much PASTA for dinner, just take it easy and skip your breakfast the next day.

JOYFUL EATING is all we need, meaning to enjoy your meal from buying the different ingredients to the moment when the pure taste is melting in your mouth.

If you are short of time, but still have the wish to treat yourself well in terms of food, PASTA might become your FIRST BIG LOVE.

Please find below my favourite PASTA DISHES for you to copy and develop further. I’m curious to know about your experiences in cooking and enjoying them.

Always remember “INTUITION is everything you need.” Listen to your inner voice and follow.