Every time I mention the first point in a group of people, there is at least one person who says: “But Jackie, if I follow my intuition, I would eat all the time and unhealthy stuff.”. Many of us are exactly in that STATE OF MIND.
As someone who had to fight an eating disorder during my younger years, I know exactly how that feels. The thing is though that YOUR INTUITION is somehow ‘overlapped’ by all the ‘(B)RULES’ (term invented by Vishen Lakhiani, see his book “The Code of the Extraordinary Mind”) which you were listening to so well over all those years. There are all sorts of information sources which tells us what to eat, when, how, etc. … The truth is, as for all other things in life, YOU KNOW BEST WHAT IS GOOD FOR YOU. You just need to listen.
My advice is to RE-LEARN being intuitive regarding YOUR NUTRITION. I’m speaking from experience, and it literally was the only solution for me to overcome my wrong approach to food. I call it JOYFUL EATING.
If you would like to know more about it, please contact me directly. Other than that, you’ll find more inspiration and tasty recipes here below.